27.6 C
Σάββατο, 7 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Ahead of July 28 Baloch protest, report says 19 individuals forcefully disappeared in 2 weeks

Περισσότερα Νέα

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In response to the alleged Baloch genocide, the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) will conduct Baloch Raaji Muchi (Baloch National Gathering) at Gwadar on July 28.

But before the huge march, the Balochistan Post has recently released its report on enforced disappearance in the region. According to the report, around 19 people have disappeared within 2 weeks. They are still reported as missing.

Furthermore, the report also reveals, that this kind of disappearance has affected people from various parts of society. Which include students, politicians, activists, and journalists.

Meanwhile, four people who were abducted were subsequently released. Around mortals of 6 people were discovered.

In the first two weeks of July, the average rate of kidnapping was 1.36 per day. In Balochistan, places like Awaran, Dera Bugti, Kalat, Kech, Gwadar, Mastung & Khuzdar witnessed huge incidents of forced disappearances.

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Sadly, dozens of children continue to wait for their disappeared fathers and the people like Sammi Deen Baloch have wasted their youth at protest camps. Demanding their father’s release. Only to get silence as their answer.

July 28 Baloch Protest

Now, Sammi Baloch is playing a crucial role at baloch protests and has asked all her fellow baloch to attend July 28’s Gwadar’s protest rally.

Speaking via video message she announced, that baloch people continue to face extreme form of oppression. These oppressions are committed in the form of force disappearances, extrajudicial murders, road accidents, economic suppression and systematic erasure of baloch identity.

Afterward in the message, she asked the people to join Baloch Raaji Much on coming July 28 at Gwadar.

Another baloch activist Mahrang Baloch also echoed similar declaration asserting that baloch must come together to prove themselves.

Taking to X she said, ‘It is the national duty of every Baloch to prove their Balochism by ensuring their participation in Gwadar on July 28. If Baloch and Baloch land are to be saved, then Baloch have no other option but to wake up, wake up and take the field. We have time to unite and prove ourselves as a living nation and tell the whole world that the Baloch will no longer tolerate their genocide on their land. Baloch Raji Machi is a historic and golden opportunity to put aside all the divisions and conspiracies and unite as one nation. The loss of this opportunity will be to the “Baloch nation” and national and collective benefit from the opportunity is national survival’

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