24 C
Τρίτη, 1 Οκτωβρίου, 2024

Afghanistan: ‘Pak-based LeT, Other Terror Outfits Supporting Taliban,’ Says NRF Commander

Περισσότερα Νέα

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In an exclusive conversation with Republic Media Network, National Resistance Front (NRF) commander on Friday said that Lashkar-e-Taiba and other terror outfits are supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan. He also accused Pakistan of providing logistical support to the group.

“NRF stands against Taliban because we know their nature. Taliban has surrounded Panjshir and Baghlan. Taliban are not alone. LeT and several other terrorist groups are with them. Due to the actions in Afghanistan, we are forced to fight them. The fear and terror they are instilling show that they are not the people that can run the government. The resistance will increase against them,” NRF commander Jalaluddin Yaftali said.

‘Pakistan supports Taliban’
Yaftali also accused Pakistan of providing logistical support to the Taliban and said that Islamabad is trying to lobby political support for the group.

“Pakistan lobbied for bringing Taliban in power in Afghanistan and provided all the help the group needed. Pakistan was in favour of international recognition for Taliban,” he added.

The NRF commander also informed Republic that in the last 10 days dozens of Taliban soldiers are moving towards Panjshir. “Fight has intensified in Andrab, Baghlan and Badakshan,” he said.

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The NRF is an anti-Taliban front, comprising former members of Afghanistan’s military, police and civilians. The militia is run by Ahmad Massoud, son of popular anti-Taliban leader Ahmad Shah Massoud.

Exclusive footage accessed by Republic shows Taliban forces setting up machine guns and target firing from the Rockey kills for the final rampage on the Panjshira and Andrab valleys as the war continues to intensify. The video of Taliban preparation emerged after NRF stepped up several guerrilla attacks against the group.

Taliban vs NRF in Afghanistan
The fierce battle between both fronts renewed after several months of hiatus since the Taliban seizure in August last year. The NRF, backed by many small resistance groups, earlier in May declared a new military operation- ‘Free Afghanistan’ – against the Taliban forces with an ambition to “liberate” the Andarab and Panjshir provinces.

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