26 C
Παρασκευή, 28 Ιουνίου, 2024

A very big change is coming up in Jammu and Kashmir

Περισσότερα Νέα

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A very big change is coming up in Jammu and Kashmir. If you want to go on a vacation with your family and friends, then you should go to Srinagar now. In the last four months, more than 6 lakh tourists from all over India have visited Kashmir. At this time there is no place to set foot in any of the hotels there.

At present, thousands of people have gathered at Srinagar airport in Kashmir even when this airport is not very big and its capacity is quite limited. At this airport, only a maximum of 7,000 passengers can be handled every day. But for the past few months, more than 15,000 passengers have been arriving at the Srinagar airport every day.

On May 22, 85 flights operated from Srinagar airport with 15,136 passengers. Among them, there were 7,762 passengers who reached Srinagar just yesterday. There was a record traffic of 18,000 passengers at this airport on May 17. A total of 110 flights were operated on that day. At this time, people from all over the country are visiting Kashmir without any fear.

According to the Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Department, more than 6 lakh tourists have come from all over the country to visit Kashmir in the last four months. The situation at the moment is that most of the hotels in Kashmir do not even have a place to set foot.

There are 50,000 beds for tourists in Kashmir. There are also 600 houseboats with about 2,000 rooms for tourists to stay. But there is no room left in the hotels now nor are the rooms in the houseboats available.

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These pictures of change in Kashmir must be haunting Pakistan and especially terrorists today. Because the terrorists always wanted that the people of Kashmir should be separate from the mainstream and the people of India should be afraid to come to Kashmir. For this, these terrorists tried to create an atmosphere of fear in Kashmir.

There were also attacks on labourers and Kashmiri Pandits from other states. But these terrorists did not succeed in their purpose. Today, the people of India are coming to Kashmir and the people of Kashmir are welcoming them in a tremendous way. All this has been made possible only with the removal of Article 370. Today, we want to encourage you to go to Jammu and Kashmir because it is a part of our country and now it’s also joining the mainstream.

You can understand this change in Jammu and Kashmir from another news. Young Player from Jammu, Umran Malik has been selected in the Indian cricket team for the tour of South Africa. That’s a very big thing because the Government of Pakistan and the terrorists tried for decades that the people of Jammu and Kashmir should stay away from the mainstream and they should not lead India in any field. But that picture is changing now.

Umran Malik’s family lives in Jammu and his father owns a small shop there. But Umran Malik has reached the big milestone of the Indian cricket team from this small shop today. His special thing is that he has also bowled the fastest ball in this time’s IPL. He bowled this ball at a speed of 157 kilometers per hour. The record for bowling the world’s fastest bowl is held by Pakistan cricketer Shoaib Akhtar. He bowled this ball at a speed of 161.3 kilometers per hour in the 2003 World Cup.

The story of Umran Malik well-documents this big change coming in Jammu and Kashmir.

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