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Παρασκευή, 28 Μαρτίου, 2025

Imran Khan To Be Stripped Of PM-level Security Ahead Of No-trust Vote In NA: Reports

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Azam Khan, Principal Secretary of PM Imran Khan, has formally written to the Secretary of Interior asking for security detail as per rules for ex-Prime Minister

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is to be stripped of PM-level security as voting on a no-confidence motion is set to take place in the Pakistan National Assembly, sources inform. The NA session, which has been adjourned, will resume at 10 pm.

Azam Khan, Principal Secretary of PM Imran Khan, has formally written to the Secretary of Interior asking for security detail as per rules for ex-Prime Minister. “What will be the nature of security for Imran Khan as Former Prime Minister. Khan’s life is in danger, security of Rangers should be provided along with police,” he reportedly said.

Geo News reported that the Home Secretary marked the letter to the Additional Secretary Home for necessary action. Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid has also demanded security on leaving the office, stating that his life is in danger.

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