33.3 C
Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024

Terrorist ranks dwindle as security forces and local police dominate in J&K

Περισσότερα Νέα

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There is been a marked improvement in the law and order situation in Jammu and Kashmir as the security forces and local police have achieved major successes this year in their fight against terrorism in the Union Territory.

According to official data discussed during Home Minister Amit Shah’s review meeting held in Srinagar on Wednesday as many as 47 foreign terrorists sent through the border by Pakistan’s ISI have been gunned down this year reducing their number to double digit figures.

With 73 local terrorists also being eliminated during the first nine months of this year (till Sept 30) their number is currently hovering at its lowest ever of around 60 or so. The number of youths recruited in terrorists ranks has also come down sharply.

According to sources the closer coordination between the law enforcement and central intelligence agencies has resulted in more actionable intelligence based on which operations have been carried out against terrorists with greater precision.

With the security agencies and local police gaining an upper hand the number of terror related incidents has come down from 417 in 2018 to 110 up to September 30, 2022. The number of terrorist strikes in 2019, the year in which the Narendra Modi government abrogated article 370, was put at 255.

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“The decline in the terror related incidents is due to activated counter-insurgency grid and efficient action by the J&K police , Security Forces and the Special CT forces of the Indian Army,”  a senior official said.

Figures show that the number of terror modules busted by the security forces has gone up to 111 till September 30, 2022, as compared to 82 during the same period last year.

The success against the war on terror is also leading to more development projects getting underway in J&K and more tourists visiting the Valley which is creating more job opportunities for the youths in the state.

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