25.8 C
Κυριακή, 22 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

China trying to recognise Taliban govt, seeks USD 3 trillion mineral wealth

Περισσότερα Νέα

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China appears to be in hurry to recognize the Taliban-led government in Afghanistan as it is eyeing the minerals of the war-torn country which holds untapped mineral wealth and rare earth material worth USD 3 trillion.

Taking advantage of the uncertain and chaotic situation, China wants to secure its frontiers, fulfill its mineral resources requirements and realize its long-held goal for the Belt and Road Initiative.

Think tank also said that China, being an opportunistic country, is taking advantage of the chaotic situation and Beijing’s main priority is to secure its borders with Afghanistan and keep the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), an anti-China terror group, at bay as China fears that unstable Taliban could be home to ETIM.
China also has its eyes on Afghanistan’s minerals as the country has untapped mineral wealth and rare earth material worth USD 3 trillion, according to an estimate. So, Taliban recognition will be actually China’s profit, according to a think tank.

The recent Chinese Foreign Minister’s unofficial visit to Afghanistan on March 24 led to the speculation that China, which is against the international sanction on Afghanistan is trying to give legitimate recognition to the Taliban led government, US-based Think Tank, Global Strat View reported.

It is worth mentioning that amid the Ukraine-Russia conflict, China is planning to host a meeting of foreign ministers of regional countries. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his counterparts from Iran, Pakistan, and Central Asian countries will attend the meeting.

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This was the first visit by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi since the Taliban-led government came into existence.
According to the think tank, Yi deliberately avoided telling the people about his timing selection. As Taliban-led Afghanistan government received negative feedback from the entire world. It further states that there are reports of murders, detentions, rapes and summary executions of minorities, women, and people associated with the previous government in Afghanistan.

Even the Taliban’s anti-women attitudes like closing down the girls-school became the subject of discussion in the UNSC and other international platforms. But still, the Chinese Foreign Minister chose to visit this land. Not only China, but other countries like Pakistan and Qatar also made a visit to Afghanistan but their visit didn’t attract much attention as the Chinese Foreign Minister grabbed.

Think Tank believes that not only China but also Russia, Iran and Pakistan may also recognise the government.
Citing some experts in international politics, a think tank said this scenario is the same as the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 or it can be the way to attack the rules-based order. They say the war has brought in the open demise of rules-based order.

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