31.7 C
Τετάρτη, 3 Ιουλίου, 2024

Pakistani Drone Spotted In J&K’s Samba District

Περισσότερα Νέα

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In the breaking update from the Indo-Pakistan international border in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), security forces guarding the country spotted a Pakistani drone in the Samba International border area on Monday. Security forces spotted a drone flying in the Chiliyari area of the Samba district of the Jammu division. Republic has learnt that a drone was spotted for around 12 minutes in the border village of Chiliyari of the Samba district and it was flying at a height of about 500 metres. 

Notably, after hovering over the border area of the Chiliyari village for about 12 minutes, the drone flew back to Pakistan’s side. After the security forces spotted the Pakistani drone in the darkness of the night, forces launched a search operation pertaining to the drone sight, around 05:30 AM on Monday, July 04 to check if any packages were dropped by the drone in the Indian territory. . As of now, the search operation is underway.

It is pertinent to mention that this is the second such drone sighting in the Samba district in a month. Earlier, in June, a drone was spotted in Soonura-Ghagwal village of Samba.

Pakistani drone spotted in Samba’s Soonura-Ghagwal

In another infiltration bid by the neighbouring country, a Pakistani drone was spotted at the Samba International border on June 03. As per the reports, the drone was spotted by the local people in Soonura-Ghagwal village of Samba who further informed that it was flying around 50-60 meters above in the air. The people immediately informed the J&K police who reached the spot.

However, after remaining in the Indian territory for a few minutes, the drone which came from the Akram post of Pakistan went back on its own without dropping anything. 

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It is pertinent to mention that a few days after, BSF spotted a Pakistani drone in the Arnia area of the RS Pura sub-division in J&K. The troops had fired eight rounds at the drone, following which, it returned immediately. The drone was at a height of 300 meters when fired upon. 

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