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Κυριακή, 23 Μαρτίου, 2025

Accused of manipulating polls, former Pak Army offical calls Imran Khan ‘compulsive liar’

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Former Pakistani Army officer Brigadier (Retd) Muzaffar Ali Ranjha lashed out at Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan terming him a “compulsive liar” over accusations levelled against him by the country’s former Prime Minister.

“It is Below me to respond to a compulsive liar like Imran,” the ex-brigadier said. “I consider it below my dignity to respond to allegations levelled by a liar, but I am responding as he has publicly made these allegations,” he said, according to Geo TV.

The PTI Chairman has accused Ranjha of manipulating the 2013 elections in favour of the Pakistan Muslim League (N).

Ranjha said he stood firm in his May 4 interview when he offered Imran the choice to agree on the formation of a commission to investigate his allegations. “But before this, we both should sign an affidavit that whosoever is found guilty would be liable to capital punishment,” Brigadier Ranjha said according to the media outlet.

“I made this offer in May (2018). At that time when the media asked Imran about it, he said it was political statement. Imran remained prime minister for four years, but did not raise this issue at any forum. Now he is taking up this issue again. The objective is to make our mother-like institution (Pak army) controversial,” he said, The News International citing Geo TV reported.

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Ranjha said, “I believe Imran has lost his mind after losing power. He has never been in favour of the armed forces. He only exploited the military… His sole objective is to make the army controversial. I can offer my sacrifice, but I won’t let him make the army controversial. Now, the military talked about not interfering in politics, he is hurling allegations randomly. I challenge him to face me at any forum. I am ready for any punishment if proven wrong.”

Ranjha said he left the army so that Imran does not point the finger at the army. He advised the nation to “ignore the wild allegations of a pathological liar like Imran”.

He recalled that Imran had given a word to a “very senior official in the state institutions” in 2018 that he would not repeat his allegations as it was his “political statement”, and that he did not have any proof.

“If he [Imran] opens his mouth again, then I would go to a public forum and spill the beans. He should realise that I know everything about him because I have also served as intelligence officer,” said Ranjha, the local media reported.

Ranjha claimed that he had an “unblemished career” and could face anything. “He [Imran Khan] is a morally, financially, intellectually and socially corrupt person. I’m a respectable person. It’s below my dignity to respond to such a pathological liar,” he added. Ranjha said that Imran thinks he is a big politician. “I challenge him to contest elections against me. I will defeat him,” he added.

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