26 C
Παρασκευή, 20 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

‘Non-Violence works’: Tibetan human rights activist in veiled attack on China

Περισσότερα Νέα

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In a veiled attack on China, International Campaign for Tibet, Chairman Richard Gere who advocates for the human rights in Tibet said that irrespective of the time it takes someone to change its path and tread on the path of non-violence, it still works.

“Nonviolence works, but it takes a long time. But once it works, it’s finished. It’s complete”, Richard Gere said while delivering a powerful message at the inaugural session of the 8th World Parliamentarians’ Convention on Tibet. Gere supports the Tibetan Independence Movement and he is permanently banned from entering China, reported The Tibet Rights Collective.

Spiritual leader Dalai Lama delivered a video message during the convention. He shared his thoughts and the need for love and compassion for others at the Convention on Tibet and stated that “the cause of Tibet is about truth.”

Dalai Lama said, “I would like to urge all of you who have gathered for this meeting to consider ways to revive and advance the essence of Tibetan culture, which is about keeping in mind the well-being of others. And it would also be beneficial if you could work to train people in educational institutions about such human values as kindness and honesty.

The eighth World Parliamentarians’ Convention on Tibet (WPCT) was held in Washington, DC. from June 22 to 23 to gather the world leaders in expressing concern over human rights violations and religious repression in Tibet.

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It seeks to encourage legislators to advocate for the survival of Tibetan identity and culture and to take note of human rights concerns and repression in Tibet and to encourage parliamentarians to, in their respective countries, support a quick resumption of dialogue between the Dalai Lama and the Chinese government for “negotiated solution on Tibet”.

Apart from panel discussions and briefings for parliamentarians, the gathering also had a special message by Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi on Wednesday said that for decades, the Chinese government has waged a dangerous assault on human rights in Tibet which clearly shows that it has no regard for Tibetan autonomy, identity or faith.

“For decades, the Chinese government has waged a dangerous assault on human rights in Tibet, clearly showing that it has no regard for Tibetan autonomy, identity or faith. This forum is crucial, bringing together leaders from all over the world to advance real autonomy for Tibet,” she added. US House Speaker Pelosi said that the world has a moral duty to speak out with one voice against Beijing’s abuses and stand up for the Tibetan people. She added that if “we do not speak out against human rights abuses in China because of commercial ties, we lose all moral authority to speak out against humans rights, anywhere.”

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