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Τρίτη, 25 Ιουνίου, 2024

London: Free Balochistan Movement to protest against Pakistan’s nuclear weapons

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The Free Balochistan Movement (UK Chapter) has announced plans to organise a protest on May 28 outside the UK Prime Minister’s official residence at 10 Downing Street in London.

The demonstration coincides with the anniversary of Pakistan’s nuclear tests conducted in 1998 in the Chaghai region of Balochistan. The Free Balochistan Movement seeks to draw attention to the longstanding negative repercussions of these tests on the residents of the region and its wildlife.

Pakistan’s nuclear tests in Balochistan have had profound and enduring consequences, adversely affecting both the populace and the environment. The Free Balochistan Movement aims to underscore these impacts and advocate for the removal and dismantling of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons from Balochistan.

“Year after year, the people of Balochistan have borne the brunt of Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions,” stated a representative of the Free Balochistan Movement.

“It’s time for the international community to recognize and address the injustices inflicted upon the Baloch people and the environment,” he added.

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The protest outside 10 Downing Street serves as a call to action, urging policymakers to prioritize the safety and well-being of Balochistan and the world by ensuring the removal and dismantling of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal from the region.

The Free Balochistan Movement invites all concerned citizens and supporters to join them in their peaceful demonstration to raise awareness about the devastating impacts of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons on Balochistan and demand concrete steps towards disarmament.

The protest is expected to draw widespread attention to the ongoing plight of Balochistan and the imperative need for nuclear disarmament in the region, resonating with global efforts towards peace and security.

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