20.2 C
Τρίτη, 8 Οκτωβρίου, 2024

CCP’s treacherous internal political situation

Περισσότερα Νέα

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In recent days, there is internal strife within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), with each faction accusing the other of being rebellious and seeking to side-line them. Behind this lies a singular motive: how to eliminate their opponents and gain control over the party’s Central Committee. Over the past year, several incidents have occurred that indicate a lack of genuine willingness for fundamental changes within the CCP. Instead, the focus seems to be on playing political games driven by self-interest.

Amidst this factionalism, Kongxuan, the CCP representative at the United Nations, faced allegations of aligning with America due to his wife’s influence. It was claimed that his wife’s investment in an American private company was the reason behind this accusation. As a result, Kongxuan encountered significant challenges in clarifying his position within the UN. However, with perseverance and determination, he worked diligently to overcome these obstacles and assert his true allegiance to the CCP and its principles.

         As per a recent report from “Epoch Times,” the Central Military Commission will be conducting an inquiry into corruption allegations involving the ex-Vice Chairman. Presently, there is a climate of speculation and unease within the CCP, prompting certain media platforms to highlight this matter for public awareness. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that the media in China is subject to strict governmental oversight and control.Towards the end of the previous year, Caixing media released a news article shedding light on internal divisions and arrests within the CCP, causing widespread unease and apprehension. Concurrently, certain media outlets began featuring articles discussing the potential for change and reform within the CCP, with the backing of the second generation communists. These individuals, being the offspring of the first generation’s top leaders, aspire to assume control of the party by displacing the older communists.

         Around the new year of 2024 there has been a surge in rumors concerning power struggles within the Chinese Communist Party, these rumors involved the second generation CCP members as well as military purges and alterations within the diplomatic system. These developments have sparked intense discussions and speculation, on January 4th political commentator Joe Xiaohui published an article in “The Epoch Times” citing information from sources within the military, the article claimed that the current leader of the CCP is preparing to investigate Shu Chilian, a former Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the day prior Hong Kong media published an article implying that Gang Xuan the Chinese communist party’s representative for foreign affairs at the United Nations had defected to the United States due to his wife’s involvement, following this the permanent mission of the communist party of China to the United Nations released a statement of Gang’s speech at the Security Council which strongly countered these claims. Rumors about Gang Xuan’s defection had already been circulatedonline before the new year, these speculations arose due to his wife’s prominent position at a US company and his association with the recently fallen former foreign minister Qin Gang.

Commentator Tang Jing Yuanobserved that the recent proliferation of unusual political rumors in the Chinese political landscape highlights a significant issue, it suggests that within the CCP system there is widespread anxiety and nearly everyone has a strong sense of impending crisis. This is led to rumors regarding defections and arrests contributing to the prevailing uncertainty, towards the end of the previous year an editorial titled “Reviewing the Ideological line of Seeking truth” published by Caixin media was removed. Subsequently a special feature titled farewell to 2023 was rapidly deleted as well, Mr. Tang commented that Caixin’s repeated forays into areas considered off limits by Xi Jinping provide evidence that media outlets like Caixin are essentially playing the role of vanguards and expressing anti Xi influences, this highlights the increasingly public nature of the internal struggle within the CCP between different factions regarding the second generation Red Aristocrats collectively advocating for change and attempting to reorganize the CCP to overcome its challenges.

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Tang Jin guan said that this suggests that there is a growing awareness within the party that the CCPis in dire straits and cannot be saved. Consequently, these second generation Red Aristocrats have started coming together to protect their interests. Nevertheless, analysts believe that the internal opposition to current party leader primarily aims to preserve the party itself. They view the eventual demise of the CCP as an inevitable historical outcome. Economist Lee Henching residing in the United States mentioned that he is aware of a group of individuals often referred to as the second generation Red Aristocrat or official second generation.

These individuals harbor thoughts of transforming the CCPinto a Social Democratic party which might enable the CCP to survive impending crisis. However, given the multitude of atrocities committed by the CCP during its over seventy years in power such a transformation would be exceedingly challenging, Mr. Tang JinGuang concluded by emphasizing that there is a high likelihood that China’s political landscape will witness significant Black Swan or Grey Rhino events in 2024. These events could lead to substantial changes turmoil or even the disintegration of the entire CCP.


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