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Πέμπτη, 19 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

May 9 carnage was conspiracy hatched by Pakistan Army, ISI: MQM leader Altaf Hussain

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The founder and leader of MQM (Muttahida Qaumi Movement), Altaf Hussain declared that Pakistan is still under the control of international forces, reflecting a lack of true freedom.

He pointed out that “international powers have an impact on appointments and promotions in the military and administration”.

In his speech, he underlined that Pakistan was handed to feudal lords in exchange for their loyalty to the British and that these aristocratic families and dishonest soldiers have continued to impede the progress of the nation.

The MQM supremo refused to be a part of this corrupt system and asserted that his political struggle is for the rights of all marginalised people, including Mohajirs.

He argued that abolishing the outdated feudal system is crucial for Pakistan’s stability.

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He highlighted the difficulties faced by his own party, MQM, which has endured a military operation to suppress it and witnessed the extrajudicial killings of thousands of its workers.

Hussain expressed concern for the oppressed Baloch people in Balochistan and criticised the Pakistan military for its past atrocities in East Pakistan, which led to its separation in 1971.

Furthermore, he disputed the involvement of PTI workers in the violent incidents of May 9, stating that government agencies were responsible. Mr Hussain said that the May 9 carnage was the conspiracy that was hatched by the Army and ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence).

He claimed that PTI members were being arrested and pressured to abandon their party and join other groups created by the army.

He called for a level playing field, requesting equal treatment for all political parties and the lifting of bans on speeches and rallies. Moreover, the MQM leader also paid tribute to the martyrs of his movement, emphasising the unwavering commitment to remembering their sacrifices.

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