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Δευτέρα, 17 Ιουνίου, 2024

Afghanistan and flow of abandoned US weapons to Kashmir topped NSA Doval’s agenda in Dushanbe

Περισσότερα Νέα

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India has expressed deep concern over sophisticated American arms and ammunition from terror-torn Afghanistan landing in the hands of Islamic jihadists in the region.

In Dushanbe on Thursday, during his meeting with the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran Ali Shamkhani, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval highlighted the high volume of American weapons remaining in Afghanistan after the US exit.  

“The large amount of American weapons left in Afghanistan, part of which has fallen into the hands of terrorists, is one of the major threats to our neighbours,” India’s security boss was quoted as saying by the Iranian media during his meeting with Shamkhani.

NSA Ajit Doval

NSA Doval’s comments came less than 24 hours after the gruesome murder of Kashmiri TV artist Amreen Bhat by Lashkar-e-Tayyiba pistol-borne terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir’s Budgam district.  

As reported by IndiaNarrative.com, the valley vlogger’s death occurred at a time when the local police had seized the first haul of the 15 highly sophisticated US-made pistols which, according to an officer, were found with 15-round magazines.

“Conventional Chinese pistols have 8-round magazines. These American pistols, which have been smuggled straight from Afghanistan in the last few months, have the capacity of firing 30 rounds from twin magazines,” said the officer.

Also Read: How Vlogger Amreen’s murder is an attempt to silence women artists from Afghanistan to Kashmir

NSA Doval was in the Tajikistan capital to attend the ‘Fourth National Security Advisors/Secretaries of the Security Councils Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan Issues’ which concluded today.

Besides India and Iran, the two-day event was also attended by high-ranking representatives of Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.

On Thursday, India’s National Security Advisor also held talks with Nikolai Patrushev, the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Both top officials stressed the importance of further coordination of interaction between the two countries on a wide range of issues of national and international security.

The security chiefs also discussed the whole range of problems related to the development of the situation in Afghanistan, as well as specific practical measures to counter the challenges and threats emanating from the Afghan territory. 

NSA Doval

During the Security Dialogue on Friday, NSA Doval highlighted India’s historical and civilisational relations with Afghanistan and stressed the need to find constructive ways to ensure peace and stability in Afghanistan and combating risks from terrorism emanating from the region.

“India was and is an important stakeholder in Afghanistan. Special relationship with people of Afghanistan over centuries will guide India’s approach. Nothing can change this,” he told the gathering of security chiefs.

Carrying forward the spirit encapsulated in the Delhi Declaration from the 3rd Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan held in New Delhi in November 2021, NSA Doval batted for enhancing capability of Afghanistan to counter terrorism and terrorist groups which pose a threat to regional peace and security.

Also Read: Enhance capability of Afghanistan to counter terrorism – NSA Doval tells top regional security heads in Dushanbe


All participating countries emphasised that a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan is in the common interest of the countries of the region and the international community.

In the joint statement released after the meeting, the heads of delegations reaffirmed the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan and noted that the mechanisms for establishing lasting peace and harmony should be developed in accordance with the principle “By the Afghans themselves, under the leadership of the Afghans and controlled by the Afghans”.

“At the same time, all parties should maintain dialogue and communications with Afghanistan and call on Afghanistan to create a broad and inclusive political structure, pursue a sustainable and moderate domestic and foreign policy, and develop friendly relations with all countries, especially with countries in the region,” it mentioned.

They also called on the relevant Afghan parties to take more “realistic steps” to eradicate all types of terrorist groups, stop the movement of all terrorist organisations, dismantle their training camps both in Afghanistan and in the region, and ensure that Afghanistan does not serve as a breeding ground, safe haven or source for the spread of terrorism.

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“The heads of delegations note the inadmissibility of international terrorist organizations using the territory of Afghanistan for shelter, training, planning or financing of any terrorist acts against the countries of the region. In this context, concern was expressed about the possibility of terrorists and other destructive elements penetrating the territories of their countries under the guise of refugees from Afghanistan,” the joint statement detailed.

The eight countries also expressed hope for the practical implementation by Afghanistan of its anti-drug obligations, for the adoption of concrete measures against the cultivation, production and illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs.

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