25 C
Σάββατο, 28 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

Resurgence of Τerrorism in Pakistan

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Recently, some unknown assailants killed two members of Sikh community in Peshawar. According to details, two unidentified bike riders opened fire on the Sikh Shopkeepers and killed them on the spot. Police collected the evidence from the crime scene and started investigation into the case to arrest the culprits. Prime Minister and Chief Minister KP expressed grief over the killing of two Sikh traders by unknown terrorists and vowed to bring the assailants to the justice very soon.

Currently, a wave of terrorism is underway in the country, while security Forces are engaged in intelligence based operation against the miscreants in erstwhile FATA and Balochistan. During the operation Zarb-e-Azb, security forces eliminated the terrorist infrastructure in the country, however terror sleeper cells and their sympathizers are still present in all parts of the country. In fact, there had been several incidents of target killing of Sikh and Shia communities in Peshawar region in the recent years, but Police did not implement a strategy to prevent such recurring incidents. According to experts, the Intelligence community and LEAs failed to expand their network to street and village level, and run its business on an ad-hoc basis while pursuing a reactive doctrine instead of a proactive strategy. Therefore, there is no single terror case in the recent years, which had been neutralized by the Intelligence agencies or LEAs before occurrence, and mostly Police investigates the incidents to arrest the culprits after the commencement of crime.

After the successful operation Zarb-e-Azb, previous governments abandoned the execution of the National Action Plan (NAP) and that comprehensive document aimed at regularization of all legal, technical, financial and administrative flaws of the system had been put aside without implementation. Although border fencing on Pak-Afghan border has reduced illegal border crossing, yet there is dire need to control and monitor the legal movement of criminals between both countries. Presently, the senior bureaucracy is not interested in laborious work and intends to pass its tenure peacefully. However, it is the responsibility of Political leadership to ensure full implementation of the NAP and work for enduring peace and stability in the country.

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