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Τετάρτη, 26 Ιουνίου, 2024

Conflict between China, US would bring unbearable disaster for world, warns Chinese Defence Minister Li Shangfu

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Seeking dialogue over confrontation with the United States Chinese Defence Minister Li Shangfu warned that any conflict between the two nations would bring “unbearable disaster for the world”, Al Jazeera reported. Li while speaking at Asia’s top security summit, the Shangri-La Dialogue, on Sunday said that the world was big enough for China and the US to grow together.

“China and the US have different systems and are different in many other ways,” he said in a speech that marked his first significant international address since he was named defence minister in March. He said: “However, this should not keep the two sides from seeking common ground and common interests to grow bilateral ties and deepen cooperation.”

“It is undeniable that a severe conflict or confrontation between China and the US will be an unbearable disaster for the world.” According to Al Jazeera, ties between Washington and Beijing are strained over a range of issues, including democratically ruled Taiwan, territorial disputes in the South China Sea and US President Joe Biden’s restrictions on semiconductor chip exports.

The US Military in their latest row on Saturday alleged that the Chinese navy carried out “unsafe maneuvers” near a US destroyer transiting the sensitive Taiwan Strait, while Beijing accused Washington of provoking risks and undermining peace and stability in the region by encouraging “pro-independence forces” in Taipei. Earlier on Sunday, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told the meeting in Singapore that Washington was “deeply committed” to preserving the status quo in self-ruled Taiwan that Beijing claims as its own territory.

He also rebuked China for refusing to hold military talks, leaving the superpowers deadlocked over their differences, as per Al Jazeera. “I am deeply concerned that the PRC (People’s Republic of China) has been unwilling to engage more seriously on better mechanisms for crisis management between our two militaries,” Austin told the meeting in Singapore.

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“The more that we talk, the more that we can avoid the misunderstandings and miscalculations that could lead to crisis or conflict.” He added that Washington would not “flinch in the face of bullying or coercion” from China and would continue regularly sailing through and flying over the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea to emphasise they are international waters, countering Beijing’s sweeping territorial claims in the region, Al Jazeera reported.

Li, whom the US sanctioned in 2018 over weapon purchases from Russia, shook hands with Austin at a dinner on Friday, but the two have not had a deeper discussion, despite Washington’s repeated demands for more military exchanges.

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