26.2 C
Σάββατο, 29 Ιουνίου, 2024

Terrorism resurgent in Afghanistan, says Guterres

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The continued expansion of Da’esh and Al-Qaeda in Africa and resurgent terrorism in Afghanistan pose a growing threat to global peace and security, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the UN-backed counter-terrorism meeting opened in Malaga, Spain, on Tuesday. “Responses to terrorism must be anchored in the rule of law, human rights, and gender equality to ensure their effectiveness,” he stressed.

“As a moral duty, let’s put human rights where they belong: front and centre in the fight against terror,” the secretary-general said in a video message to the high-level international conference on human rights and counter-terrorism meeting. The two-day event is taking place against the backdrop of the growing threat of terrorism across the globe, and the resulting increase in related legislation and policies. During the conference, governments, international organizations, civil society and human rights defenders examined how to formulate terrorism responses that comply with human rights and the rule of law and ensure meaningful participation of civil society in counter-terrorism efforts.

“This gathering reflects a central truth. Terrorism is not only an attack on innocent people. It represents an all-out assault on human rights,” the secretary-general said.

“The threat is growing and global,” he said. “Da’esh and Al-Qaeda continue to expand into Africa. Terrorism is resurgent in Afghanistan. Extremist groups target women and girls with gender-based violence, including sexual violence.” Terrorists, he said, were also using technology to “spread and export lies, hatred and division at the touch of a button”.

Going on, he said, xenophobia, racism and cultural and religious intolerance were accelerating. Guterres warned that at the same time, global responses to terrorism could make things worse.

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“In the name of security, humanitarian aid is often blocked – increasing human suffering. Civil society and human rights defenders are silenced – particularly women. And survivors of terrorism and violence are left without the support and access to justice they need to rebuild their lives,” he said.

The secretary-general called for reaffirming commitment to core values, including investing in health, education, protection, gender equality, and justice systems that were accessible to all people.

“This must also include safeguarding humanitarian action, respecting international law and opening the door to civil society – and especially women – to meaningfully engage with counter-terrorism efforts.”

The high-level conference is jointly organized by the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and Spain. In his opening remarks, Vladimir Voronkov, UN Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism, stressed that “countering terrorism helps protect human rights, but only if human rights are protected while countering terrorism.”

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