26 C
Πέμπτη, 27 Ιουνίου, 2024

China’s Global Security Initiative driven by strategic, commercial considerations in Latin America

Περισσότερα Νέα

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China’s interest in Latin America might be largely driven by commerce, but the government’s Global Security Initiative (GSI) openly stresses the military and other strategic aspects of its approach to Latin America and other regions of the world, Geo-Politik reported.

Unveiled in 2022 and further elaborated in a concept paper by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in February 2023, the GSI is an ambitious narrative that complements China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Global Development Initiative (GDI).

The GSI includes seemingly benign catchphrases like “cooperative and sustainable security” and “respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity,” as per the Geo-Politik report. However, a closer look at the priorities section reveals China’s increasing focus on security-sector activities as a key pillar of its engagement with Latin America and other regions.

As per the news report, the development should raise concerns regarding China’s plans and how it plans to go ahead with it. In contrast to the previous defence policy of Beijing, the recently unveiled GSI concept paper includes a particular section devoted to Latin America, showcasing the strategic importance China places on the region.

The official document supports the role of the community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in upholding regional peace and security. The news report said that the CELAC lacks institutional mechanisms for addressing security issues, raising questions regarding Beijing’s intentions of working with the region through the forum.

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The GSI concept paper also indicates a deeply concerning pattern of Beijing’s engagement with Latin America, as per the Geo-Politik report. Although Beijing’s interactions with Latin America might seem to be driven primarily by commercial interests. However, the GSI concept paper demonstrates that the relationship is also strategic in nature.

The particular concern is Beijing’s focus on security sector activities in the region, as mentioned in the “priorities” section of the document. The paper demonstrates China’s increasing emphasis on security as a pillar of its engagement with Latin America and other regions, as per the news report.

As per the Geo-Politik report, the absence of the Organization of American States (OAS) in the GSI along with China’s preference for working with the region through the China-CELAC forum and related committees and working groups demonstrates that Beijing wants to develop new multilateral structures for security cooperation through CELAC.

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