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Τρίτη, 11 Μαρτίου, 2025

Indian Su-30MK fighters in the Greek exercise «INIOCHOS»

Περισσότερα Νέα

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The desire of the Indian Air Force to participate in the multinational exercise “HNIOHOS 23” with five state-of-the-art powerful multi-role fighters SU-30MK further enhances the major air event which is now an institution. A large country with a strong air force, although far from Greece, gives a very strong vote of confidence. And with its choice, it demonstrates the prominent position of our Air Force, which with its “sword” has earned a place in the global aviation cream of the crop. While without a doubt the presence of the Su-30MK in addition to the fact that a modern Eastern fighter will be found and compared with the aircraft of the West will attract all eyes and will be a reference point for this year’s “HNIOHOS”, according to greek media Newpost.gr.

According to exclusive information of Newpost, the Indian AirForce informed the GEETHA and the GEA just a few weeks ago that it wishes to participate in the large air exercise organized by the HAF and even intends to send five Su-30MK to the 117th Fighter Wing in Andravida. The Indians’ request was immediately accepted given the very good relations between the two states on a political, diplomatic and military level. It had been preceded by cooperation between the Chiefs of the General Directorate of Defense and Security, General Constantinos Floros and Vice Admiral Themikstoklis Bourolias and contacts with the Indian Staff.

The presence of the IAF in the HNIOHOS 23 exercise – which will be held from April 24 to May 5 – is one of the few of the Indian presence outside the country and indeed with the most powerful fighter – along with the Rafale – at their disposal in their arsenal. It is characteristic that Su-30MKs have gone out of India to participate twice in Red Flag in the USA, the world’s largest air exercise, while apart from the Americans, the Su-30MKs have only trained abroad with the French and the British.

The fact that the main fighter of our Air Force and the backbone of its fleet is the F-16 in a series of versions, most recently the modernized Viper, was apparently a big lure for the Indians. Since the same fighter forms the basis of the air fleet of Pakistan’s air force, a country with which India has serious differences. Indian Su-30MKs often engage Pakistani F-16s and in at least one case both countries claimed to have shot them down.

The reputation of the Greeks flying in the cockpits of F-16s is certain that for the IAF it acted as a magnet in order to take the big decision and send the admittedly impressive SU-30MK aircraft for the first time to our country. While the repeated success of the “HINOCHOS” exercise has traveled everywhere and to every major air force.

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The Sukhoi Su-30MK are twin-engine 4th generation fighters of Russian technology manufactured by the Indian company Hindustan Aeronautics under license from the Russians. The construction of the multi-role, all-weather and long-range fighter began in India in 2000 following an agreement with Russia and in the first phase it provided for the delivery of 140 aircraft to the Indian Air Force. Four years later the first Su-30MK was flying in the colors of the IAF while the agreement was extended resulting in a total of 272 Su-30MKs being built of which the Indian Air Force has lost 11. The Su-30MK is the “backbone” of the IAF which also has other fighters but in much smaller numbers such as Mig-21, Mig-29, Jaguar, Mirage 2000 while since last year it has added 36 new French Rafales to its arsenal.

The Su-30MK incorporates Indian, French and Israeli electronic systems, while according to the manufacturers it has many common features with the Su-35. With the help of the canards, it is capable of intense maneuvers with large angles, while it is one of the few fighters that can perform the highly difficult Pugachev’s iconic Cobra maneuver. With a flight range of up to 3000 km, it can carry out long-range missions while also having the possibility of aerial refueling. It has a length of 22 meters, a speed exceeding mach 2 and a total of 12 positions for weapons and indicators under its wings. Mainly Russian-made weapons such as missiles and bombs including the powerful supersonic air-to-ground Brahmos, while both the Israeli A/E Rampage and the French A/A Mica have been certified.

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