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Τετάρτη, 2 Οκτωβρίου, 2024

Rise of terrorism in Pakistan: Youth radicalisation, poor economy responsible

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Rise in terrorism in Pakistan has become a cause of concern not just for its neighbours but also for the people living in the South Asian country as extremist groups continue to hunt the youth of the country by radicalising them. Moreover, the lack of freedom of expression and the plunging economy is adding more to it, Voice of Vienna reported.

A crackdown on sources of funds for these extremist groups can help tackle the situation of a surge in terror in Pakistan as unemployment, and lack of freedom of expression in society are already resulting in a growing number of radicals in Pakistan.

The Taliban, al-Qaeda, and the Haqqani network have all been accused of receiving financial help from Pakistan as well as logistical and safe-haven support. The nation has also come under fire for not doing enough to combat Islamic radicals, allowing them to spread their ideology and engage in terrorism.

Moreover in Pakistan, military dictatorships have relied on religious parties to win support from the populace and the success of governments in Pakistan has depended on these organisations for a long time.

Anti-Indian sentiment, or “Indophobia,” increased in Pakistan as a result of Sayyid Abul Ala Maudidi’s leadership of the militant Islamic Jamaat-e-Islami, Voices of Vienna reported. Both the Federally Administered Northern Regions and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) regions in the northwest and northeast have become havens for sectarian violence.

Furthermore, concerns about Pakistan’s role in radicalization and running sleeper cells in Europe have been raised by the recent arrests of Pakistani nationals in Greece for plotting anti-Semitic attacks and by the dismantling of the Gabar Group, a well-organized terrorist cell led by young Pakistanis, in Italy last year, reported Voice of Vienna.

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In connection with planned anti-Semitic attacks in central Athens, the Greek police detained two young Pakistanis of Iranian descent.

The Mossad helped untangle the intelligence of the network, its operational methods, and ties to Iran. The mastermind of the cell was a Pakistani who lived outside Europe and coordinated terror activities from other countries, reported Voice of Vienna.

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