28.7 C
Παρασκευή, 28 Ιουνίου, 2024

Italy boat accident: 3 people including two Pakistanis arrested on suspicion of human trafficking

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Police have arrested three people, including a Turkish and two Pakistani nationals, on suspicion of human trafficking after a boat capsized in Italy, killing at least 64 migrants.
According to the foreign news agency, authorities said the three arrested people had taken the illegal immigrants on a boat from the Turkish city of Izmir to the Italian city of Calabria despite bad weather conditions.

Officials further said that the arrested suspects received $8,500 per person from the passengers on the boat to bring them to Italy.

A boat carrying illegal migrants bound for Italy from Turkey hit a reef and sank, with most of the 200 people on board believed to be from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq and Iran, authorities warned. The final death toll in the accident could be more than 100.
The coffins of those who died as a result of the accident are kept in a sports hall in Croton, among the dead there are at least 12 children.

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