26.7 C
Δευτέρα, 23 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2024

30 European senators support Tibet’s autonomy from China

Περισσότερα Νέα

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Under the Presidency of the European Research Council (ERC), some thirty senators from different political formations have created an interparliamentary group to support Tibet’s autonomy from China, reported Europe Press.

The alliance will be formally established this Wednesday. This intergroup will work to garner real support for the resumption of substantive dialogue between the Chinese leadership and the Dalai Lama’s representatives to ensure “genuine and meaningful autonomy” for the Tibetan people.

In their opinion, Tibet is an independent country with a thousand-year history that was invaded by China, which continues to be “threatened” by Beijing and needs international support, reported Europe Press.

Robert Masih Nahar, ERC senator, will be the president of the new intergroup.

It will be attended by the representative of the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration, Rigzin Genkhang; the president of the Tibetan community in Spain, Rinzing Dolma; and two members of the Tibetan Parliament in exile representing Europe, Thubten Wangchen and Thupten Gyatso, reported Europe Press.

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In addition, a message from the Sikyong of the Central Tibetan Administration, Penpa Tsering, will also be projected.

According to the promoters of the intergroup, its main objectives are “to promote and defend the fundamental rights of the Tibetan people, especially in order to improve respect for Human Rights in Tibet”, and to achieve “the recognition of the Central Tibetan Administration with headquarters in Dharamshala as the sole and legitimate representative of the Tibetan people,” added Europe Press.

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